Moving my website from to PikaPods
I've been intending to use social media less and focus on my own website (what the cool kids are calling "digital gardens" these days). Social media feels toxic and seems to be highly complicit with the larger geopolitical shifts that are ongoing in the world.
I'd signed up with a few years ago: the promise of an easier publishing interface and an open-source foundation ticked a bunch of boxes for me. However, paying several hundred dollars a year to publish and host a website like mine didn't seem to make any sense, and I started to look at self-hosting.
I kept putting it off, as it seemed more complex and technical than I wanted to handle, but then found PikaPods, which offered 1-click hosting for about $20–a year. What sealed the deal for me is that my friend Tim Cheadle had put together a how-to blog post that covered the exact steps that I needed to host Ghost on Pikapods and use Cloudflare (my domain registrar) for DNS. Thanks Tim!

I hope to be more regular with publishing here in the new year. If you'd like to get updates, you can sign up to be notified whenever I put out a new blog post as well.
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